Veronika Selingerova (Slovakia)
Artist Statement
I was always working with clay. This medium I have chosen to reflect my world, my ideas, my feelings. Even though the idea was always the most important I try to understand the material more and even more and it needs time and experience.
The clay has its own life.
soft - wet - flexible - touch - drying - cracking - changing the colour - very fragile - no water - fire - the colour - hard - sharp
Veronika Selingerová was born in 1980 in Czech Republic.
She studied Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia and also was as an exchange student at University of Houston, Texas and University in Izmir, Turkey. During her doctoral studies she received a research stipendium supported by Turkish government and so, she spent a couple of months on research in Istanbul.
Veronika´s main field of interest is clay, ceramic and porcelain. She is also co-founder of an international symposium Phenomenon Gemer which focuses on land art in small scale in a ceramic deposits in south Slovakia. Since 2007 she lives and works in Bratislava.